AcademicLabs vs Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a free search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.
Here's what our users say:
"This is an awesome tool. As scientists, it is important to stay on top of the information and this allows us to do that. It is easier and more user friendly to find papers than Google Scholar and PubMed. You can also find patents and clinical trials in the same database. It all comes together as a whole, which was especially interesting."
In the table below, we compare it to AcademicLabs for multiple use-cases.
Finding publications
Google Scholar
Find biomedical publications
Build effective queries using boolean search operators
Exclude papers with terms irrelevant to your area of interest
Search in specific fields
Find publications in your topic from only the recent years
Find most-cited review publications in your topic

Find papers published in top journals in your topic
Find papers with most citations (filter or sort)
Filter by research area, specific field of study, disease, gene, mutation, organism, cell line, chemicals,...
Sort and Filter in many ways to tailor your search to your preferences
View publications that cite or are referred to by a publication

Not yet
Link to the full-text article
Filter on publications with a free full text available

Coming soon
Scientific information available
Google Scholar
Scientific publications

Coverage includes life sciences, biomedical, chemistry, pre-prints (incl. bioRxiv, medRxiv), publicly-available STEM conferences and all papers citing PubMed articles (regardless of discipline).
Coverage includes all scientific disciplines
Publicly funded projects

Ongoing research programs at university research groups
Find instant answers to questions
Google Scholar
Actionable scientific insights on your scientific literature (such as on genes, diseases, cell lines, mutations, broad research areas, specific fields of study)
Advanced search taking into account biomedical synonyms of your search term
View track-record of the authors of any publication
View ongoing projects of the authors of any publication
Change the search algorithm to better fit your criteria of interest

Change to most cited, recently published, papers in top impact factor journals

Change to recently published
Alerts, Bookmark, Export
Google Scholar
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Highly customizable with 15+ filters to only get relevant alerts

Limited in reducing noise
Shared bookmark folder (create collaborative, shared library of publications, experts, ongoing research and projects, patents, startups... together with colleagues)

Library can not be shared
Export to Excel or CSV file

Export to reference manager (BibTex, EndNote, RefWorks)

Not yet
Google Scholar
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Collaborating closely with end-users to improve product (experiences) quickly