AcademicLabs vs PubMed
PubMed is a free search engine accessing primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics.
Here's what our users say:
"Goodbye PubMed...after 20 years I switched to a platform that not only allows me to find the right publications faster, it simply has everything I need in one place (incl. PubMed publications). From the most extensive author profiles to newly funded projects and ongoing research, patents, clinical trials, startups and big pharma research activities."
In the table below, we compare it to AcademicLabs for multiple use-cases.
Find instant answers to questions
Identify insights without having to read and analyse 100s of abstracts (e.g. top genes recently associated with disease X for the query targeted protein degradation)
Find the top authors, companies, universities & research groups in any topic of interest
View track-record and ongoing projects of the authors of any publication
Filter to identify who a company/academic is recently been collaborating with on a particular topic.
Identify global and regional Hotspots and their top experts

Finding publications
Find biomedical publications
Build effective queries using boolean search operators
Exclude papers with terms irrelevant to your area of interest
Search in specific fields
Find publications in your topic from only the recent years
Find most-cited review publications in your topic
Find papers published in top journals in your topic
Find papers with most citations (filter or sort)

Filter by research area, specific field of study, disease, gene, mutation, organism, cell line, chemicals,...
Sort and Filter in many ways to tailor your search to your preferences
View publications that cite or are referred to by a publication

Not yet
Link to the full-text article
Filter on publications with a free full-text available
Scientific information available
56 million, of which all 30 million from PubMed, plus 20 million that cite PubMed publications, and the recent years of chemistry publications.
30 million life science publications
Publicly funded projects

Ongoing research programs at university research groups
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Highly customizable with 15+ filters to only get relevant alerts

Limited in reducing noise
Shared bookmark folder (create collaborative, shared library of publications, experts, ongoing research and projects, patents, startups... together with colleagues)

Yes for publications, various options to choose from
Export to Excel or CSV file
Export to reference manager (BibTex, EndNote, RefWorks)

Not yet
Real-time chat support from a human expert
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Collaborating closely with end-users to improve product (experiences) quickly